We are very proud of our founder Isabelle Grosmaître being a speaker among amazing leaders to rethink progress at the Well being Summit last week.

Our key take aways:

Now is the time to redefine success, to reinvent the way we do business. Challenging the status quo has become a necessity. We need to go beyond economic performance, to embrace the wellbeing of people and our planet. Many inspiring organizations are demonstrating that it is possible. This gives us so much hope for our collective ability to make it happen.

We need more heart. Courage is the strength of heart. There will be no transformation without courage. It all start with leadership. We need leaders in organizations that dare to make this shift happen. We need to empower them to do what’s right. So ask yourselves what does it mean for you to thrive or flourish? What makes you a better leader?

Let’s not be afraid of making mistakes. Life is learning journey. We will fail and we will learn. Changing paradigm is a journey!  Sometimes the road is straight, sometimes the road is bumpy. We may lose faith when such geopolitical situation occurs or when economical tensions appear. But we know that we are heading towards the right direction, there is no other choice.

One of the main sources of wellbeing is to feel reasonably secured.
Let’s face it: it is not the case every day.
It is not easy when you want to change the world.
But we believe that being part of a movement of change makers does make a difference.
We feel a sense of fulfilment to contribute to something bigger than us.
We are ready,
We have each other’s back.