
Connecting heart & mind.

This could not have taken place in a more symbolic venue!

The For Good Leaders Autumn Gathering happened in Rome, in the symbolic, historic pope’s gardens Castel Gandolfo . Here, we celebrated Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Sí, which calls upon us to cherish and protect our shared home: the Earth for all. Learning more about the sharing economy.

At For Good Leaders, we are building an economy where both people and the planet thrive.

This journey requires courage, resilience, humility, and an unwavering commitment to a better future for all.

Sometimes, we stand at the crossroads.

1,5 days of inspiration for greater impact.

It is an invitation to scale the revolution of business as a force for good.

What if 140 000 enterprises adopt the benefit corporation legislation by 2030?

It is a matter of amplitude. We are eager to drive the change. It will not happen by chance.

Organizations don’t drive change.

People do.

🙏 Grateful to you dear Marcello Palazzi for bringing us together, and special thanks to Eric Ezechieli, Paolo Di Cesare, Femke van Loon